Writing on product design

All of my long-form thoughts on programming, leadership, product design, and more.

Building a Strapi + Next.js Template for Rapid Development

Are you looking for a powerful combination of a headless CMS and a React-based frontend framework for your web development projects? Look no further! In this article, we ll explore how to build a Strapi + Next.js template that allows you to kickstart your projects with ease and efficiency.

shadcn/ui - A Modern UI Component Library

Are you tired of spending hours styling your web applications? Look no further! Were excited to introduce shadcn/ui, a cutting-edge UI component library designed to make your development process a breeze.

Strapi CMS - The Modern Headless CMS

Are you tired of traditional monolithic content management systems that limit your flexibility and control? Look no further! Were excited to introduce Strapi CMS, a modern headless CMS designed to empower developers and content creators.